
February 17, 2021 | tags | views
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世界各地的文件、样品专递,及大宗货物,更为大陆地区企业客商提供进口货品通关服务,解决您繁琐的办理环节,从而提高您的工作效率。除此之外本加盟速递公司和世界知名的国际速递公司合作,透过网络提供忠诚、专业、优良、可靠的空运快递服务,凭借丰富经验而倍受客户信赖。加盟快递公司本着"客户至上,信誉第一"的原则,确定了长远的发展目标。在系统化管理、网络化经营上AIR FREIGHT – Long-term cooperation with a number of airlines, which provides customers experienced operations, booking spaces are assured and flights can be also tracked in real time. For importing business, we can offer clients goods allocation, transshipment, door to door, and clearance services. We are able to provide safe and reliable warehousing services for import supervision goods as well. Cost-efficiency and fast deliver is the strong guarantee to meet customers' demands.

OCEAN FREIGHT – The integration of multiple carriers’ services offers more optional shipping schedule to the clients, and the strong agent network of the country can meet the import or export requirements of different ports. We are capable of handling cases, such as FCL, LCL, garments on hanger container, freezer container, open-top container and so on. We stick to reasonable freight rates and safeguard customers' interests.


