
March 8, 2020 | tags | views
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Our company can undertake LCL/FCL business from around the world via BUSAN/HONGKONG/SINGAPORE to Qingdao, Tianjin, Ningbo, Yantai, Weihai, Shidao, Dalian, Lianyungang, Shanghai, Xi’an, and has a strong global agency network. Covered areas are Hong Kong and Taiwan, Japan and South Korea, Europe, the Mediterranean, the United States, Canada, Central and South America, Southeast Asia, Australia, Indonesia and so on.

Our company has an independent import distribution qualification advantage, can be directly docked in the customs warehouse, to ensure efficient and convenient delivery speed. In addition, with strong price guarantee and high quality service, our company also provides import declaration, inspection report, FOB, EXWORK, DDP, DDU, DAP and inland transportation, business consulting and other services.

Professional straight fight points:

Busan Incheon Hong Kong Taichung Keelung Singapore Hamburg Los Angeles Antwerp

Mainly the entire cabinet special points:

Busan Incheon Hamburg Hong Kong Antwerp Klang Bangkok Karachi Nawaishwa Ho Chi Minh United States
承办中欧海运,中欧空运,中欧铁路“一带一路”,揽货、订舱、包机、包装、仓储、中转、多式联运、集装箱整箱、拼装拆箱、二程转运、货物跟踪查询、结算运杂费、报关相关的短途运输服务及咨询业务。北京中欧运国际货运代理有限公司sefco在国内外建有强大的网络体系, 及时为客户提供全国各口岸最新的运价和安全快捷的运输服务。以北京为核心辐射全国各地,拥有自己的车队,报关行,报检行,在上海,宁波,广州等国内主要港口城市设有自己的分公司,并且在多家企业中拥有自己的投资股份,给本公司的业务开展带来极大的方便。公司并且与中外十多家船公司及航空公司签订了代理协议和服务合约。在国际运输价格市场、国际运输代理服务市场上,均具有很大的优势。 多年来经过全体员工的积极努力和不懈奋斗,现公司业务范围遍及全球,同时还和几十家知名的国外代理企业保持着长期密切的合作,使我们拥有雄厚的实力。凭借我们对中国市场的深刻理解,优秀的管理模式及先进的网络,赢得众多海内外公司的信任与紧密合作。我们会通过对国内国际市场知识的综合了解,使每一个客户充分体会到量体裁衣的感受。 SEFCO公司业务:①国际贸易 ②国际海运 ③国际空运 ④中欧铁路 ⑤仓储服务(007cargo) ⑥欧洲境内清关和短途运输服务 ⑦中国到欧洲的散货门到门服务 ⑧欧洲到中国海运铁路运输服务。


