
October 26, 2012 Views
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公司海运部承揽大宗矿砂、散粮、油料、化工产品、钢材及其他散货运输,承揽包括大型机械设备的杂货运输。同时承揽以天津口岸为龙头,辅助大连、上海、青岛等各中国主要港口的海运集装箱进出口以及相关配套的物流业务。依托美国母公司的支持,本公司尤其擅长中美航线的相关进出口业务。同时为广大客户提供全球集装箱航线服务,尤其为中东航线、中南美航线、欧洲基本港航线,日本基本港、偏港、东南亚航线均与马士基、北欧亚、烟台海运、民生轮船签定了优势约价。此外,本公司还面向个人用户、小型公司客户提供相关个性化拼箱进出口业务,私人物品出口运输、申报等全程服务。 The Company has established long term cooperation with famous shipping companies both at home and abroad, including HANJIN,MISC,WHANL,K-KLINE,COSCO,CMA,EVG and etc. branch offices in Nantong, Ningbo,Shenzhen,guangzhouand Dalian etc. have been set up, Company based in Shanghai, Japan, freight forwarding service radiation global. The container truck convoy, freight yard, customs broker under the Freight Forwarding Department are ready to provide customers with faithful service. thanks to having attached great importance to its business reputation, set up timely business network and persisted in providing top-notch service.

