广州雷利国际运输公司 Archivers
广州雷利国际运输公司 » Archivers » 日杂货海运代理公司
代理商品范围包括:玩具、精品、服装、手袋、鞋类、塑料制品、五金制品、电子产品、陶瓷工艺品、家私、树脂工艺品、圣诞礼品、灯饰、铁制品等。 如果贵司有杂货(日杂,百货),干鲜货,冷藏、危险品和普通化工品,我们一样可以代理提供在盐田、沙头角、文锦渡、皇岗、蛇口的报关、转关服务
基本操作方式:由本公司代理一切清关手续,贵司只需将商品名称、规格、型号、数量、毛净重资料传真我司,确认无误后便可出运。service network has established seven wholly-owned subsidiaries, with the services covering the Pearl River Delta in Guangdong, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Zhejiang, and Sichuan etc. The company's main business includes: globally international express, international air transportation, international shipping, global import business and integrated logistic projects for international clients, logistic solutions designed for large customers, mainland-Hong Kong transportation and customs operations, etc. We have signed a long-term friendly cooperation agreement and established a stable business partnership with many famous airlines in the industry, such as UPS, Hongkong PO Bo Li, and UAE (UNITED ARAB EMIRATES) EK. We will provide the most comprehensive services including the price system, space snapping up, cargo transshipment, and clearance and delivery, etc.
© 广州雷利国际运输公司
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